Member Awards Program
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Your 2022/2023 Awards Committee Chair
Susan Sundahl
Contact Info: 253-380-0343
If you scroll down this page, you can access a printable nomination form, view the different categories and see the pictures of last year's awardees. You can click on the picture to view a larger image.
Click here for a Printable Awards Nomination Form
Click here for BCHW Awards Categories
For a list of past recipients Click Here
2023 BCHW Awardees presented at Rendezvous 2024
Greg and Diane McCuin with Barb Talbot and Bill Kehner
I would like to present these awards to 2 couples. All 4 of these individuals live our Mission Statement regarding keeping our trails open for equines. They have devoted their summers to multiple work parties in the Black Pine area. Barb Talbot, certified crosscut sawyer and a member since 2009, began working on the trails at the Sahara Creek area years ago. She was the ride manager of a CTR event. From then on, she took on the responsibility of keeping clear and improving the westside trails. Bill Kehner joined her almost from the beginning. He has been working with Barb ever since, from Elbe to Black pine and everywhere in between. Bill does not ride but will clear trails whenever there is a hiking work party planned or when an outfitter packs in the gear. He is an excellent sawyer and saw filer as well as an Instructor/Evaluator in our Sawyer program. He has sharpened many saws to give to other volunteers. Bill came up with the idea for the ZZ Bar, it’s become vital in in trail clearing. They both spend a lot of time planning, scheduling, and working on multiple trails. It’s light weight but strong, used for moving logs, digging, working our hi-lift jacks, and whatever else they come up with.
Barb and Bill are forces to be reckoned with getting trails cleared and attempting to recruit more volunteers.
The 2nd couple is Greg and Diane McCuin, members since 2009, who along with Barb and Bill have the same amount of drive to keep the trails open. Not only do they help with the planning but are both certified sawyers too. Diane has a unique way of figuring out a problem and getting it done. Greg is also a Chainsaw and crosscut saw Instructor/Evaluator in our Sawyer program and one of the best filers out there. He has a huge inventory of old saws that he has picked up and filed to perfection.
Thank you to Barb for your input on Greg and Diane and thank you Diane for your input on Barb and Bill!
Dana Chambers, BCHW President
Lifetime Achievement
Tony Karniss
Lifetime Achievement
Steve McKinney & Cher Bower
Lifetime Achievement
Mary Kane
Lifetime Achievement Memorial
Barbara Vache'
Lifetime Achievement
Traci & Wayne Koch
Desk Jockey Award
Jen Bond
Desk Jockey Award
Tim Van Beek
(and Jen Bond)
Desk Jockey
Carol Klar
Desk Jockey
Wendy Potkonjak
Backbone Award
Beth Branshaw
Backbone Award
Gary Westergard
Lopper Award
Kris Lenke
Trail Warrior Award
Bruce Foreman
2022 BCHW Awardees presented at Rendezvous 2023
These folks were nominated for the 2022 Awards. If you click on the picture, you can see a larger image.
Rob DeBoer
Rob DeBoer has been a member of BCHW since 2008. He has been an extremely willing and valuable participant at not only the Chapter level as Director for the Skagit Chapter for several years but also as the BCHW Vice President for two years. He has been elected to and serving as a member of the Inaugural BCHW Executive Committee. Rob is very active in trail work coordinating joint chapter work parties for Skagit, Whatcom and Traildusters chapters at the Harry Osbourne DNR forest in Skagit County. He has prepared meals for several BCHW events and fundraisers, helped with set up and tear down of Joe Watt Canyon Ride, and worked at past Rendezvous in various capacities. Rob has been in key positions on several HotShot Crew events and Statewide work parties to include; crew lead, purchasing feed, recruiting a crew, and counselor. Rob has been instrumental in organizing and providing pack support to several of our trail partners across the MBSNF for PNTA, WTA, and BCHW crews over the years. He has played a key role in working with our land manager partners by participating several meetings with the Forest Service and DNR representatives. Rob’s willingness to volunteer and provide sound guidance and support to all of BCHW members is a shining example for all and he is well deserving of the President’s Diamond Award.
Ken Carmichael
Ken has been a BCHW member since about 1987. He developed and wrote the Membership Development Handbook that BCHW uses, and it is also on the BCHA website. He is so dedicated to this topic that when the handbook was finished, he traveled the state to talk about it at the chapters.
Out on the trail, he is always sharing BCHW and the importance of what we do. In his free time, he reads, and I am not saying he reads good books. He reads RCW’s, WAC’s and the Non-Profit rules that we must govern by. If you have a question about anything having to do with our governing documents anyone can go to Ken. I am very thankful to have him in this organization and feel he is a deserving recipient of the President’s Diamond Award.
Trail Warrior Award
Barb Talbot
Trail Warrior Award
Don O'Neal
Lopper Award
Bob Hoyle
Lopper Award
Carole Schuh
Lopper Award
Faye Bradford
Lopper Award
Marsha O'Neal
Lopper Award
Mary McHugh
Jim and Elaine Davis
Within the Olympic Chapter we have some awesome members that perpetuate the mission of BCH but two people who have been doing it the longest are Jim and Elaine Davis. For about 30 years they are the epitome of what BCH stands for. Both Jim and Elaine have worn many hats over the years. Jim has been President, Vice President, Director and Trail Boss, worked on local and Statewide work parties and much more, while Elaine has been President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Chaired many major fund raisers. They spend most of their weekends in the summer at hosting the Tahuya Horse Camp. Jim’s partnership with DNR for the trails and horse camps at Green Mountain and Tahuya is ongoing. When everyone else thought that the Tahuya area was taken over by motorized vehicles, Jim and Elaine campaigned for a host program like the one at Green Mt. and brought the campground back to a non-motorized campground. There are many stories to tell about all the trails Jim and Elaine have adopted, but the most prominent one is the “Davis Trail”. They worked tirelessly to get the trail brought back to a useable trail for all users after DNR had decommissioned it. Thank you, Jim and Elaine, for staying true to the mission.
2021 BCHW Awardees presented at Rendezvous 2022
Please find the below list of awards presented at Rendezvous in 2022. These folks were nominated for the 2021 trail period. If you click on the picture, you can see a larger image.
You will be able to find additional information about the awardees in the upcoming Trailhead News edition.
Dick Yarboro
Dick Yarboro joined BCHW in the 90’s as a member of the Olympic Chapter. Then he was with the Nisqually Chapter where he held the position of Director for 2004 & 2005. He has been a secondary member of Grays Harbor for years, before moving to Eastern Washington where he is now a member of the Northeast Chapter. After 35 years, in the Department of Printing in Olympia, it was only natural that he went to work on the Trailhead News to spread the word about what BCHW does so he became the THN Editor in 2007. He worked closely with Washington Media services, a position he held until 2021. He organized at least one, maybe more, BIG VIP rides in Capitol Forest. Also, in 2007, he got Nisqually to join in on the then multi-chapter West Fork Humptulips Trail, Olympic National Forest, "adoption", he was the Nisqually contact and a major trail worker for several years. Dick has enjoyed horse ownership, riding, and the company of like-minded trail riders. He has always loved exploring new areas and working the trails with friends and members of BCHW
Mike Reedy (Posthumously)
**Award Accepted by Tom Conner
It is with pleasure that I write this recommendation for Michael Reedy. Mike was the director from Washington BCH while I was Executive Secretary for Back Country Horsemen of America. He then progressed to Vice President and President of Back Country Horsemen of America. Mike always had the best interests of BCHW and BCHA at heart. He would go out of his way to handle the business of Back Country Horsemen. He was always available for BCHW and BCHA.
Mike deserves the Lifetime Achievement Award. It is a shame that he cannot be with us to receive it.
Sincerely, Peg Greiwe, Former Executive Secretary, BCHA
2020 BCHW Awardees
Please find the below list of the 2020 awards presented in 2021. Our Awards Chair, Sue Sundahl and our State President, Jason Ridlon travel the state to present these awards. These folks were nominated for the 2020 trail period. If you click on the picture, you can see a larger image.
You can find additional information about the awardees by clicking on the Trailhead News edition -May/June 2021.
They work hard, play hard, and make each event they are involved in so much more enjoyable. Volunteering for local, Chapter, and Statewide events, Dan and Karen are always there. Rendezvous’ Tack Sale and parking rigs, LNT, the Wine Ride, Statewide work parties with their pack stock, local projects with Mt. Adams, Lewis, and Mt. St. Helen’s Chapters, and BCHW events and projects all over Washington State and Oregon, they are there! Congratulations Dan and Karen.
You are so deserving of the BCHW Lifetime Achievement Award.
2019 BCHW Awardees
Please find the below list of awards for 2019 presented in 2020. These folks were nominated for the 2019 trail period. If you click on the picture, you can see a larger image.
You can find additional information about the awardees by clicking on the Trailhead News edition -May/June 2020.
2019 Lifetime Achievement Award
Doc & Deb Wesselius – Lewis County Chapter
Doc & Deb have shown a lifetime of dedication (over 22,000 hours) to BCHW in a variety of ways. They have held several different offices and served on numerous committees, such as Chapter President, LNT chair, trail boss, BCHW Awards Chair, Chapter Grant Manager, and Deb remains the BCHW Volunteer Hours Chair. They have provided thousands of hours of packing support over the years (for other orgs too i.e. Forest Serve, WTA, etc.), working on trails, always educating others (i.e. how to empty gravel from a pack horse, knot tying, Expo’s, saw certification, etc.), and promoting the BCHW Mission Statement. Thank you for your extraordinary leadership & dedication.
2019 Lifetime Achievement Award
Mike McGlenn – Whatcom Chapter
Mike has dedicated his lifetime not only to BCHW but to BCHA too. You name it, Mike has done it, not only for BCHW, but across the country for BCHA and continues to do so! Mike joined BCHW in 1985 and has held several offices and served on countless committees at the local (such as Chapter President), state (State President), and national (BCHA Director and Chairman) levels. He also served on BCHA Finance committee, Media and Marketing Committee, and DNR planning committees and is still serving on the BCHA executive committee, to name a few. Mike has promoted helmet safety, created the Chapter logo, and was instrumental in allowing horses on Blanchard Mountain. His accomplishments are too numerous to list! Thank you, Mike, for your passion for our mission.
2019 President's Diamond Award
Ken & Sherrie Elliot – Northeast Chapter
Ken and Sherrie have contributed to our trail system and organization for 32 years. They have been instrumental in supporting the BCHW mission in the Spokane area. In 2019, when the BCHW Hotshot crew went to the Pasayten Airport to log trails, it was not a big deal for Ken & Sherrie to make the 25 mile trip to the airport and log trails for a week. This work comes second nature to them both. But to see this done with their daughter Erin & grandson Ethan, you know they have been living the “Dedication, Passion and Commitment to the BCHW Mission” from the beginning.
2019 President's Diamond Award
Darrell Wallace – Northeast Chapter
BCHA National Chairman Darrell is the personification of outstanding dedication, passion and commitment to the BCHW Mission. His friendship, guidance, and advice has seen us through some amazing accomplishments. Darrell’s response when discussing issues of “how does this issue have anything to do with the mission statement?” says it all. There have been many trips, even cross country, and countless meetings where Jason Ridlon and Darrell, at times, have had the same dog chasing its own tail, but Darrell has always held true to the BCHW mission and our work.
BCHW 2018 Awardees
Please find the below list of awards for 2018 presented at the 2019 Rendezvous. These folks were nominated for the 2018 trail period. If you click on the picture, you can see a larger image.
You can find additional information about the awardees by clicking on the Trailhead News edition -May/June 2019.