USFS Documents

USFS fy23 BCHW 301a Volunteer Service Agreement
USFS fy23 BCHW 301a Volunteer Activity Abstract Attachment
USFS fy23 BCHW 301a Ethics & Code of Conduct Attachment
USFS 597462 Letter of Delegation of Signing Authority-–-forest-supervisors.pdf
USFS 609518 Volunteer Agreement for Back Country Horsemen of Washington.pdf
Revised US Forest Service Trail Maintenance and Construction Notebook
USFS Forms:
Volunteer Hours Tracking FY2021
Volunteer Service Agreement - Natural & Cultural Resources Volunteer Sign-up Form for Groups
Job Hazard Analysis and Tailgate Safety Guide:
USFS Region 6 Tailgate Safety Guide for Volunteers
1. 2020 Risk Assessment Worksheet
3. JHA Crosscut Saw Operations - Bucking, Limbing & Felling
4. JHA Chainsaw Operations - Bucking, Limbing & Felling
6. JHA Rigging
7. JHA Noxious Weeds & Invasive Plants Treatment with Herbicide