Rendezvous 2026

Rendezvous 2026


2026 BCHW Rendezvous

March 20-22, 2026 


Kittitas Valley Event Center, Ellensburg, WA


What is Rendezvous?? 

It is a state sponsored event put on by Back Country Horsemen of Washington that is open to the public. This is a non-riding event. We offer educational classes, shopping, social and informative events and seminars. There are no fees for anything other than the Saturday nights catered dinner and the on-site camping.
Check out all the great photos from last year's event by Click Here!!


Early Bird rates end on March 1st.

No refunds after March 1st


1.  Do you want to host a Class, Training or a Clinic?  Click here to submit all the information we will need in order to get you on the schedule!!



It will be in the Draft Horse Barn this year.  Below is a map and driving directions.

Directions on how to get in to drop off your tack!

Map of the Event Center and where to go!


3.  To purchase Saturday night dinner tickets and camping when you arrive          on site, go to the Teanaway Building to the registration desk!



Online Reservation Form:  


Dinner Menu:  Prime Rib, Potato Dish, Salad and Roll

Vegetarian Menu:  Portobello Mushrooms, Potato Dish, Salad and Roll


Map of the Kittitas Valley Event Center:  Click Here

Western Village layout:  Click Here

For printable Driving Direction:    Click Here

For Local Hotel deals:  



Clinicians and classes:      


First Aid/CPR Classes (for a fee) Member Only.

Email to get the registration form


Trail Meister's Cinch Making Clinic (for a fee)




Hospitality Cart!

There will be a hospitality cart rolling around the facility over the weekend with coffee and such.

Our Ellensburg Valley Chapter is proud to announce the sponsorship of our local 4-H Club "Stirrups and Irons" this year at Rendezvous. We have 10 anxious kids making plans right now for their 3 Day job running the Hospitality Cart. It has been a pleasure for us working with this group.
When you get anything off the cart please tip and/or donate to the kids.  All tips and donations will go to their Club and this event is a huge fundraiser for their Mission Statement as well!!


Printable Flyer   8" x 10"     


Tack Sale Flyer:         

Consignment Agreement.  Everyone bringing tack to sell MUST print, fill out and bring with your tack to the sale. 

Coming to print your Consignment Agreement, fill it out and email it to the address at the bottom.


Packing Competition Flyer:  


Table Decoration Contest:   Click Here


Dessert Auction Information    Click Here   for the information and rules.


Silent and Live Auction Information

Auction Item Donor Form

Host a Ride to Sell at Rendezvous! “Come Ride Our Part of the State”


List of Vendor     


If you visit any of the businesses on the attached document, please mention that you are in Ellensburg because of BCHW Rendezvous.  

Click Here for a list Ellensburg Businesses to support.




Weekend Schedule:   

These schedules may change as we get closer to the event.

If you have a clinic or Speaker that you would like us to schedule, please have them reach out to us as soon as possible.  We have lots of room to work them in!

There will be a General Membership meeting and 2024 Award Presentations for all to attend on Sunday morning at 10:00 in the Teanaway Room!! 


Friday Schedule of Events      

Friday Western Village Schedule of Events

Saturday Schedule of Events    

Saturday Western Village Schedule of Events

Sunday Schedule of Events    



Information for those bringing horses to Rendezvous   Click Here


For Local Hotel deals:





Click here for Vendor Letter

Click here for Vendor Paper Application for booths.

Click here for the Online Vender/Exhibitor Registration Form 

Vender Map Notes

Vender Map w/Notations






Chapter Table Reservations for Catered Dinner and Auction:

1 table per chapter until January 1st then you can reserve additional tables.

Online Table Reservation Form:    turned off




To sign up to volunteer:     Click Here



